So many BUT in my story .

Al-kisah bermula since our first meet . That what's he say i guese . Hm , i almost forget  but 18/07/2010 is the day that i know the truth  . I really dont know what to do that time . Frankly speaking , im really happy  but i cannot do anything . My heart want me to accept u but my soul does'nt  say so . I become serabot that time . Sayang , sory to say but i cannot do this and im not ready . I have to admit that my life without u would be miscreable . Honestly , i really need u sayangs ! Its ok if u want to stay away from me . We both know why right ? So , just like what i always say  " kita serahkan pada takdir saja . kalau ada jodoh ada laa . kalau tiada , nk buat cmne pasrah jela " Remember this word ok sayangs ? This question always making me resah . Why do i love u ? i should'nt love u , but what can i do my heart belong to u . Eventhough , u are not with me right now but my love only for u sayangs ! I hope u understand why im doing this . its for our sake . Biarkan i terluka seorang diri . I rela sayang . U study elok2 ok sayang ? Make sure ur SPM terbaik this year ! U can do it . Just concentrate ur study . Can u do that ? not just for me but for ur family too . Jangan nakal2 ya ?  Take care sayang .

thankies pnjamkan mata anda untuk mmbaca blog saia..=)